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Did you know that $1.00 can buy 4 meals?

Food Drive
From November 10th – December 10th Precision Plumbing Heating Cooling & Electric will be collecting non-perishable food items and monetary donations for the COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE organization. Precision Plumbing Heating Cooling & Electric will match all monetary donations up to a total of $1500.

Please drop off food donations or mail monetary gifts to:

Precision Plumbing Heating Cooling & Electric
5035 Chaparral Ct Boulder, CO 80301

Please make checks payable to Community Food Share

If you would like additional information, please call 303-581-1455 or contact us online.


Andrea Nelson is the President of Precision Plumbing Heating Cooling & Electric. She is a Boulder native and has worked for Precision for thirteen years! She is a wife and also a mother of three boys.
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