One of our highly trained technicians can perform a mechanical flood assessment on your home.

    The Following Items Can Help Protect Your Home:

  1. Backwater Valve
    Backwater valves prevent sewage from backing up into your home
  2. Perimeter Drains
    Perimeter drains prevent ground and surface water from penetrating or damaging building foundations
  3. Sewage Ejector Pumps
    Sewage ejector pumps are used when there are toilets below the public or private sewer line
  4. High Water Alarms
    These water alarms will alert you when water is present
  5. High Volume Sump Pumps
  6. Battery Back Up Sump Pumps
  7. Generator
    A Generator Will Give Your Home Electricity During a Power Outage
  8. Water and Gas Shut-Off Valves
    The valve is designed to shut off the water supply (plus the gas supply for gas-fired heaters) in the event of a water leak from a water heater

What You Can Do to Protect Your Home:

  1. Review Your Insurance Policy
    Review your insurance policy to make sure events such as flood, fire, and high winds are covered
  2. Check Your Sump Pump
    Every few months make sure your sump pump is in working order

Call today to schedule a mechanical flood assessment


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